About me

I graduated in architecture, and am a freelance photographer, artist and part of “Atelier Monobloque” in Berlin Friedrichshain.

Growing up in Berlin, my studies led me to the Bauhaus University Weimar and the Berlin- Weißensee School of Art.
In addition to my commissions, I teach analog photography and work on exhibition projects on subjects such as architectural history and experimental photography.

Selbstportrait in Schwarz weiß , analoge Fotografie, IlfordFP4, MIttelformat
Self-portrait - I am a freelance photographer and artist in Berlin.

I spent a lot of time in the darkroom during my school and college years, and even beyond that, I acquired the ability to make perfect fine art prints over the years. There is hardly a trick I don’t know. I am passionate about making architecture visible through photography.

The captured moods appeal even to people who don’t like most buildings and urban spaces. In my opinion, good photos always convey stories and feelings. I achieve this through technique, calmness and patience. It is rewarding to seek out the right camera angle, to wait in unusual places for the right light, the right section of a building, or the person who enlivens the space. Photographs should be authentic enough to win you over even without digital image processing. That’s why I use digital editing only in the rarest of cases.

Selbstportrait in Schwarz weiß, analoge Fotografie, Practika, Foto Falk Weiß
Self-portrait in black and white, analogue photography with Praktica

Since 2012 I have been working with artist Dorothee Billard and architect Clemens Helmke in a studio collaboration.



I understand myself as an artist who is expressing himself with the medium of photography. A photocamera is a tool for me and thus it has of course a great impact on the result. In order to achieve satisfactory results, I want to master the medium like a good craftsman on the one hand, and on the other hand I am also interested in the limits of photography. What can’t a certain

apparatus do? How can you represent time or motion? When is a photo in focus?

It is not uncommon for me to build cameras myself, or to manipulate existing cameras by, for example, equipping them with photo paper instead of film, or by converting the lenses to pinholes, or by inserting lenses into pinhole cameras. In connection with such experiments I often create self-portraits, some of which can be seen here.

Self-portrait in black and white, analogue photography, medium format, Falk Weiß, converted Agfa Box, #kodak400tmy, exhibitions
self-portrait in black and white, taken with a manipulated AgfaBox